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Large Next Testicle, Normal but Dangerous Conditions

The size of one large testicle often makes men worry. The size of the testes that is slightly different between the right and left is actually normal as long as it is not accompanied by pain. But if the size difference is large enough, you should be vigilant. The testicles or testicles are oval-shaped organs that hang in the scrotum behind the penis. Adult male testes have a size of about 15 ml (about the size of a bird's egg) to 35 mL (about the size of a native chicken egg). The main function of the testes is to store and produce sperm, and produce testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for physical changes at puberty. Puberty in men begins at the age of 9-14 years and can last until age 21 years. At puberty, boys will experience rapid physical changes into adult men. Changes that occur include sound becoming heavier, growing hair around the intimate part, and enlarging of the reproductive organs. Physically, when puberty enlarges the size of the penis and testicles. This is followed by the scrotum (skin covering the testicles) becoming darker and starting to overgrow hair. At this time, the testes which are part of the male reproductive organs can produce sperm. Sperm is released in semen, a thick, white liquid, through ejaculation. This means that a man can fertilize a woman's egg and produce offspring.

Is Normally the Size of the Big Testicle Next?

The condition of the large testes next door is actually normal. In general, the right testis tends to be even bigger than the left one. In addition, one testis tends to hang lower in the scrotum (testicular sac) than the other testis. Although normal, the one big testicle should not be accompanied by pain. Under normal conditions, you will not feel testicular pain when moving, sitting, and standing. In addition, the difference in the size of the two should not be too large, as well as the shape that is not much different. Testicular size differences are generally no more than half a teaspoon. To check whether your testicles are healthy or not, use the following methods:
  • Position the body in a standing position. Gently touch the right testicle using the thumb and index finger. The testicles will taste like eggs.
  • Check for lumps, soft areas, or pain.
  • Touch the lower part of the scrotum to examine the epididymis. The epididymis is the channel that attaches to the testis. Its function is to store sperm, channel sperm out of the testicles during ejaculation and help nourish the testicles.
  • Repeat the previous movement for the left testicle.
This independent testicular examination is recommended to be done at least once every month, and it is important to do it especially for those of you who have a history of testicular tumors, testicles do not go down to the schtrotum, or have a family that has had testicular cancer.

What if the Next Large Testicle is accompanied by Pain?

If the testicular size is large enough, accompanied by pain, swelling, lumps, and redness, this condition can be a symptom of the following disease:
  • Hydrocele

  • Hydrocele is a buildup of fluid in the scrotum around the testes. This fluid buildup can be normal with age and does not require treatment. However, hydrocele can also indicate inflammation of the testicles so that the testicles are swollen.
  • Epididymitis

  • Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, the channel that stores sperm. Inflammation usually occurs when this part is infected. The cause can be due to sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  • Epididymal cyst

  • Cyst formation in the epididymis is caused by excess fluid. This condition is not dangerous and does not require any treatment.
  • Varicocele

  • This condition arises due to enlargement of veins in the scrotum, and usually does not need to be treated as long as no other symptoms are followed, such as pain in the testicles when sitting which improves when lying down. Varicocele can affect the low quality and sperm count, but not in all cases.
  • Orchitis

  • It is inflammation of the testes caused by a viral infection. Orchitis can cause testicular damage.
  • Testicular torsion

  • Also called a twisted testicle. This condition can slow down or even stop the flow of blood to the testes, can cause severe pain, and is an emergency that requires immediate medical treatment.
  • Testicular cancer

  • Testicular cancer occurs when cancer cells grow in the testicles. Testicular cancer is a rare disease. Only 4 out of 100 lumps in the testes are declared cancerous.
As long as variations in testicular size differences are not too significant, and complaints of large testicles are not accompanied by complaints and other symptoms such as pain in the testicles, ejaculation problems, or difficulty getting offspring, then your condition may not be dangerous. However, you are advised to consult a doctor immediately if the large testicles next door accompanied by other symptoms mentioned above, or the difference in the size of the testicles makes you worry.
